«Approved» By Association of manufacturers and investors for industrial cooperation development General Meeting
March 1, 2016 The record №2 from March 1, 2016
«Validated» by President of Association of manufacturers and investors for industrial cooperation development
_________________Mr. Kudzagov March 1, 2016
Articles of Partnership Association of manufacturers and investors
for industrial cooperation development
Current Articles (hereinafter referred to as Articles) of Association of manufacturers and investors for industrial cooperation development (hereinafter referred to as Partnership) designed upon Civil Code of Russian Federation and the Charter of Association. Current Articles defines rights and conditions of cooperation in Partnership.
1. General provisions
1.1 Partnership is open for new members, who manifest a desire to become a full members of Partnership and accept: goals and rules of Partnership, goals, rules, constituent and other normative documents of Association of manufacturers and investors for industrial cooperation development, and who able to provide input into goals achievement (goals of Partnership, which are the reasons of creating Partnership; goals are complying with requirements of Partnership Members).
1.2 Alliance of Partnership Members shall be done only on a voluntary basis.
1.3 Legal entities and individuals allowed to become a Member of Partnership. Legal entities reserve the legal entities rights and independency.
1.4 Members of Partnership are legal entities and individuals, which joined the Partnership according established order and accepting internal regulations, documents of Partnership.
2. The Subject Matter of a Partnership.
2.1 The Subject Matter of a Partnership is a cooperation of Members in following areas: Restoring and creating new industrial structural communications between enterprises, financial organizations and investors in Russian Federations and abroad.
Creation group of industrial companies for it’s representing and lobby in Government of Russian Federation and on global market for purpose of receiving and distribution the government orders. Making a register of reliable industrial entities, creation of joint ventures (with involving new technologies into commercial industrial manufacturers).
By priority entering into a domestic and foreign markets, promotion companies to manufacture goods, also developing and strengthening of scientistic and technic facilities;
Practicing the charity activities, providing mutual service, information exchange, collective supplying of goods, equipments, participation in mutual projects and in other types of joint activities, which are commercial and not illegal.
Partners shall build their relations upon the strategic partnership conditions, and they are obligated in terms with Partner and third part to consider mutual interest of every Partner, and regardless of other Partner’s order, shall act towards the third part with the purpose to fully protect interests and rights of other Partner and to contribute the maximum income for other Partner.
3. Partnership Objective
3.1 The objective of current Partnership is organisation of Partners cooperation for the purpose of promoting on the Partner’s market the goods and service, offered by Manufacturer, and increasing money and merchandise turnover between Partners, reaching the maximum level of effective cooperation. Partners obligated to contribute in promoting goods and service of each other, to contribute in forming other Partner’s positive representation (towards eventual manufacturer, purchaser and business partners), to carry out measures and spread information to strengthen business reputation of Partner.
3.2 Partners, within their competency, shall contribute in searching purchasers, new goods and service markets.
3.3. Partners has a right to delegate to each other right to represent interests of each other in all above mentioned types of activities connected to third-party legal entities and individuals.
3.4 Partners basing on the mutually beneficial conditions may support each other financially, technically and in organization activities.
3.5 Partners are doing commercial, technical and other information exchange (only if it’s not against earlier obligations).
4 Obligations of Partners
4.1 Partners are obligated:
— to provide all available advertising materials, related to goods or service, which appears to be the subject of current Partnership.
— to place information about other Partner on their web-site.
— do not use as any advertising medium which may decrease the Partner’s reputation, do not allow in advertisement using a deception or an ambiguous statement concerning goods, service of a Partner and a Partner personally.
— to help Partner to arrange exhibitions, on which the goods and service, related to Partnership , are going to be presented.
— to promote the goods and service of Supplier in own region.
— to include in advertisement, which they post, the information about owners of brands (by that means the information about Supplier and official partners of Supplier).
— Partners are realising that their business activities happening in conditions of non-stable market, and that is increasing the risk for theirs business. And because of that reason Partners are combines their resources and abilities, working with each other, basing on the principles of cooperation, with the purpose of Partnership goals achievement.
When the tasks complete, or in case if Partner changing the type of activities or by any other reason, Partner can voluntarily quit the Partnership. Before quitting Partner has to complete obligations towards other Partners if there is any.
In that case Partner shall notify Partnership 3 months before quitting. Partners cooperation shall be cancelled by signing a detached agreement or by signing a current Partnership cancelling act. The information about Partner leaving Partnership shall be posted on official web- site of Association.
5.1 Partners are obligated to do not disclose industrial and commercial confidential information, which they get to know during collaborative activities. Partners helping each other to protect their patents and other exclusive rights from third-parts and unfair competition in general.
Partners shall maintain confidentiality of any information, documents received from third-parts, except the case when these information, documents is required according current Articles for Partnership’s obligations fulfilment.
6.1 Articles of Partnership come into force since it’s signed by both Parts. The treaty is valid for a period of 3 (three) years, then period of validity shall be extended.